Saturday, September 20, 2008


In Nature's infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read.
- Shakespeare

The wisdom of aloha is a current of conscious and subconscious awareness in the mind.

–Without any future oriented mental commitment, it is based on an inferred database, which includes a realization that no one ever really knows the future.


A lesson cannot be ‘taught’. Lessons must be ‘taken.’

Example is always an adult’s function for the benefit of children.

A teacher creates opportunities. A successful Student takes those opportunities.

The duty for creating opportunities for others ultimately lies with the teacher.

No matter what anyone else does; it is the Student who must discover revelations; And the teacher who must create each opportunity.

Each day holds the potential for Revelation(s) for both teacher and student.

“Carpe’ Diem” is a Student’s motto. And can also motivate teachers.

The body’s version of SEIZING THE DAY is often obviously active;
Action by the mind usually looks passive, but really is more enlightened laissez- faire.

This is The Spirit of Aloha

For we, which now behold...
Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.
- Shakespeare

The Spirit of Aloha begins early in the life of a Hawai'ian child

When I was young I learned, and believed, that when you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.

Now, I think I understand the way it works -- you must be willing to voluntarily align yourself with the "spheres" - "universe" - "the all mighty" - "whatever" (i.e. do not judge for yourself, faith is trust in something beyond yourself) - and then you will be the final particle completing the "picture" as the mountains ‘move’.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This is Not in Hawaii - Hawaii has taller palm trees.

Many Pacific Island societies have a cultural recognition that (all) adults have a responsibility for (all) children.
This springs partly from the intuitive recognition that on a small island it is destructive to everyone when there are direct disagreements and confrontations - because any such dispute disturbs the tranquility of the island.

The Pacific islanders would not tolerate, or in any way foster, plotting and violence over parental cheerleader rivalry, for example.
Any such thoughts are ‘unthinkable.’
Most childrens’ games in the islands of the Pacific are not about winning.
They do focus on developing a high degree of skill; and the level of skill is a source of recognition, but without ‘winners’ or ‘losers,’ per se.

The Spirit of Aloha has no you or me, and never a ‘them’ and ‘us’

The Spirit of Aloha is a cultural mind set that recognizes only the community and its well-being.

Every older man, except your Father, is "Uncle" (for life), and every older woman, except your Mother, is "Auntie" (for life) to all Hawai'ians of all ages.

The effect of this kind of cultural thinking makes for many Perfect Days in Paradise.