Saturday, September 20, 2008


In Nature's infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read.
- Shakespeare

The wisdom of aloha is a current of conscious and subconscious awareness in the mind.

–Without any future oriented mental commitment, it is based on an inferred database, which includes a realization that no one ever really knows the future.


A lesson cannot be ‘taught’. Lessons must be ‘taken.’

Example is always an adult’s function for the benefit of children.

A teacher creates opportunities. A successful Student takes those opportunities.

The duty for creating opportunities for others ultimately lies with the teacher.

No matter what anyone else does; it is the Student who must discover revelations; And the teacher who must create each opportunity.

Each day holds the potential for Revelation(s) for both teacher and student.

“Carpe’ Diem” is a Student’s motto. And can also motivate teachers.

The body’s version of SEIZING THE DAY is often obviously active;
Action by the mind usually looks passive, but really is more enlightened laissez- faire.

This is The Spirit of Aloha

For we, which now behold...
Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.
- Shakespeare

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